About SVMA
The Netherlands Association of Specialized Immigration Attorneys (SVMA) aims to promote the highest standards of professional practice for attorneys in the field of immigration law.
- Offers training and seminars
- Facilitates the mutual exchange of information and expertise
- Represents its members’ interest
The Netherlands Association of Specialized Immigration Attorneys (SVMA) was established in 2009 with the aim to promote the highest standards of professional practice for attorneys in the field of immigration law. Asylum law, regular immigration law, immigration retention, and nationality law are all part of immigration law.
The board consists of a minimum of three members who are appointed by the General Assembly. The board meets at least once per month and is concerned with organizing meetings and educational opportunities for its members, and shares or exchanges relevant information to members and third parties. The board also decides which attorneys can be admitted as a member and makes sure that membership records are kept up to date. Moreover, the board represents the interests of its members if need be. You will find more information on procedures within the articles of the association.
Members of the SVMA pay an annual membership fee. Prospective members pay a moderated rate. Prospective and full members can participate in workshops and lectures; only full members have voting rights in the General Assembly. The SVMA works together with various national and international organizations that are active in the field of immigration law. The SVMA makes a firm stand for the interests of its members and its members' clients.
The Board of the SVMA is responsible for all day-to-day business and makes sure the association is run properly.
Members of the board:
Mr. A.M. (Bram) van Melle, Amsterdam, Chair
Mr. J.S. (Jeroen) Maas, Then Hague, Secretary
Mr. E. (Edward) van Kempen, Amsterdam/Straatsburg, Treasurer
Mrs. M. (Marloes) Zantvoort, 's-Hertogenbosch
Mrs. J. (Joella) Bravo Mougán, Amsterdam
Mrs. A. C. (Andrea) Pool, Arnhem
Would you like to become a member of the SVMA? Download a membership form here. Please return the completed and signed formto us by post or e-mail. You are only admitted as a member if you meet a number of terms and conditions. You must, for example, have worked on immigration law for the past seven years for a large proportion of your time. When you have not been working for seven years as an attorney, but at least for four years, you can become a prospectivemember first.
We would like to refer you to the exact admission procedure in our Rules and Regulations.
Contact details
Specialisten vereniging migratierecht advocaten
p/a Delissen Martens Advocaten
Sportlaan 40
2566 LB Den Haag
+31 70 311 54 11
KvK: 30259866
BTW: NL 820693649B01